1061736|Manager - Big Data Consultant|Analytics|Analytics|EXL Datasource|EXL Datasource|Analytics||Manager|Analytics

Hartford, Connecticut, États-Unis ● New York, État de New York, États-Unis Numéro de demande 176
19 février 2021

EXL Health is seeking a Data Engineer - Healthcare Analytics, this role will initially be remote but once Stay at Home orders are lifted, this role will be located in New York.

The Data Engineer will be responsible for expanding and optimizing healthcare payer data, data pipeline architecture and data flow to enable analysis across several dimensions.


  • Experience with Snowflake cloud data platform including hands-on experience with Snowflake utilities like SnowSQL , SnowPipe , and experience in administering Snowflake.
  • Accountable for clinical data review and analysis for complex, global projects collated from various data sources formatted in various industry standards (HL7, FHIR, C-CDA, JSON etc.)
  • Understand healthcare data, including clinical data in both proprietary and industry standard formats (FHIR, C-CDA etc.) and develop mappings / transformation solution between various formats.
  • Understanding of enterprise data management concepts (Data Governance, Data Engineering, Data Science, Data Lake, Data Warehouse, Data Sharing, Data Applications)
  • Expert level skills in SQL, data integration, data modeling and data architecture.
  • Experience in building data models, including conceptual, logical, and physical for Enterprise Relational, and Dimensional Databases.
  • Strong Database experience in Hadoop/Hive , DBMS , SQL server
  • Experience with programming scripting and data science languages such as Python, UNIX, SQL, Pyspark.
  • Build large-scale batch and real-time data pipelines using Snowflake cloud data technologies.
  • Working knowledge of Big Data concepts and Hadoop environment.
  • Some cloud experience as a developer/engineer like Google cloud platform

  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Computer Science or related quantitative field
  • 3-5 years of relevant experience on Snowflake, experience with data profiling / mapping tools working in a healthcare data management system environment and experience with clinical data code sets / standards like HL7, CCDAs or FHIR.
  • Good understanding of various clinical industrial data standards such as HL7, FHIR, C-CDA, JSON
  • Preferred experience in designing and developing clinical reports or dashboards using clinical data
  • Good understanding and implementation experience in data architecture, data governance, data quality, data modelling, data ingestion, data integration, data pipeline and data orchestration tools.
  • Advanced SQL knowledge and experience in working with relational databases, as well as a variety of databases
  • Strong object-oriented programming experience in Python, Pyspark
  • Knowledge of Hadoop environment, Hive.
  • Have experience with google cloud platform

What we offer:

  • EXL Analytics offers an exciting, fast paced and innovative environment, which brings together a group of sharp and entrepreneurial professionals who are eager to influence business decisions. From your very first day, you get an opportunity to work closely with highly experienced, world class analytics consultants.
  • You can expect to learn many aspects of businesses that our clients engage in. You will also learn effective teamwork and time-management skills - key aspects for personal and professional growth
  • Analytics requires different skill sets at different levels within the organization. At EXL Analytics, we invest heavily in training you in all aspects of analytics as well as in leading analytical tools and techniques.
  • We provide guidance/ coaching to every employee through our mentoring program wherein every junior level employee is assigned a senior level professional as advisors.
  • Sky is the limit for our team members. The unique experiences gathered at EXL Analytics sets the stage for further growth and development in our company and beyond.

Autres détails

  • Type de paie Salaire
Location on Google Maps
  • Hartford, Connecticut, États-Unis
  • New York, État de New York, États-Unis